After the resounding success of REBOUND 2023, the BIGGEST gravel event in the world is back on June 1st 2024. At 6 am, to be precise. We’ll walk you through the details, and some tips on how to find your best REBOUND rides and routes starting straight from your doorstep.
What is REBOUND?
The concept is simple. On June 1st, the global gravel community will come together to ride a DIY route of 15, 25, 50, 100 or 200 miles (24, 40, 80, 160 and 320 km). There’s no entry fee. No time limit. Just good, old-fashioned, fun in the dirt. And when you sign up for the STRAVA challenge, you have a chance to win some awesome prizes.
REBOUND is the biggest gravel event in the world, coinciding with UNBOUND gravel in the U.S. The event is a partnership between Shimano and Live Slow Ride Fast—from none other than Laurens ten Dam! In 2023, REBOUND inspired more than 300,000 riders around the world to ride a whopping 4,789,142 miles (7.707.377 km) collectively. Each rider had their own adventure, starting from their own doorstep.
In 2024, we’re going to go even bigger with 10,000,000 gravel miles (16.100.000 km) worldwide.

Everyone has their own rides with friends, cycling clubs, colleagues, you name it. For the true spirit of REBOUND, you can join one of the REBOUND Ride-Outs organized by the Shimano Gravel Alliance riders and local Shimano Service Centers—with some post-ride celebrations guaranteed!
Subscribe to the newsletter and keep an eye on our socials @shimanogravel and @liveslowridefastltd for the latest updates and info on REBOUND Ride-Outs near you.

Ultra-Distance Scholarship
The beauty of gravel is that everyone can join. It is a great way to get together and enjoy the roads less traveled. That’s why Shimano is sponsoring the Ultra Distance Scholarship (UDS). The Ultra Distance Scholarship was created in 2020 to help bring more diversity to the starting line of ultra-distance cycling. In practice, three riders will receive full support, including awesome bike builds, coaching, kit and gear, all leading up to some truly awesome rides.
The three scholars for this year’s UDS are Musa Akinosho, Fatima Ahmed, and Cai Wang. These passionate cyclists will also join this year’s REBOUND. Follow their journey through @ultradistancescholarship and the UDS blog.
STRAVA Route Builder
REBOUND is not your average lunch break spin. We are talking gravel, single-track, sand, mud, stones and what-have-you’s. Are you not familiar with an off-road route nearby or do you want to perfect an existing route idea? Try using the Strava Route Builder. It will help you connect the dots, upgrade your route planning, and inspire you with suggestions.

Join REBOUND today!
Tell your gravel friends to mark June 1st in their calendars for the biggest gravel ride in the world. We want to see you riding and enjoying your post-ride celebrations on your socials!